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Easy Camp Meals!

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

Do you pre plan and make meals before you leave for a trip or just wing it? If I'm being honest I'm a bit of both. I certainly have good intentions lol. Just incase you need some ideas, here's a few of our family's favourites.



I make this ahead of time and put it in the foil trays so I can just cook it on the bbq when needed. The how to is pretty simple, just make your taco mix as normal and layer with salsa, using the tortillas instead of lasagne sheets. I add a sprinkle of grated cheese on each layer and crushed up hard taco shells on the top layer. Cook for about 20 mins. We serve with avocado and sour cream. Dinner done and even the kids will eat it!

2. Twice Baked Potatoes

Again I make these ahead of time and I freeze a batch also. I made them for a group camping trip and they were super popular. I just take them out and defrost and reheat for about 20 mins and they are ready to go. I leave the spring onions out cause my kids are picky. Again I just put them in the foil pans because they stack well in the freezer and I can reheat them in them. You can find the recipe I use here

3.Camp Oven Lasagne

This is a big hit with my girls. They love lasagne and they love making this. We make it straight into the cast iron camp oven. No cheese sauce required just a tub of ricotta cheese!! There are two ways to go about this recipe. One, make a bolognaise sauce before you leave home or two use a jar of pre made sauce while camping. Both work great 👍. We start with a layer of sauce then add a lasagne sheet, more sauce and a few dollops of ricotta cheese. I sprinkle some grated cheese because I’m naughty and love cheese! 🤦🏽‍♀️ Repeat layers until you get to the top. I don’t sprinkle the top layer with cheese until we serve as I find it burns. We put the cast iron pot on coals and a layer on top for about thirty minutes or until the lasagne sheets are cooked through. Delish!!!

4. Egg and Bacon Muffins

This one made our breakfast so easy!!! I pre made egg and bacon muffins (some with cheese and bbq sauce) and froze them before we left. I cooked the eggs in muffin tins so they kept shape. I wrapped them in tin foil in packs of two. The night before I’d take them out of the freezer and in the morning when the kids were stttaaarrrvvviiinnng and wanted breakfast NOW I would throw them in the bbq and heat them up. Breakfast Done 🙌🏼 Adventure Time!!

5. Cheesy Pasta Bake

This one I put in the freezer for those long adventure days, where I know I won’t be bothered cooking when we get back. Sometimes I add fresh avocado to the mix. The Recipe :

Cooked Pasta

Jar of Leggos Three Cheese Sauce,

You can find it here

Ham/cooked bacon/cooked chicken?? Pretty much anything goes.

Cheese (Cause I add extra cheese to everything 🙊)

Mix it all together and put it in the tin foil trays. Sprinkle with parmesan. Done ✔️ This freezes really good and reheats just as well. (I’m married to an Italian, I hope he doesn’t read this 🤣) Everything is fresh and made from scratch Micky lol.

Hope these give you some camp breakfast/lunch/dinner inspo, please leave your recipes or food hacks below. Especially if they contain cheese 😜

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